Friday, December 17, 2010

Would You Like Me?

It's sad we rely of Facebook these days, but we do. I'm no different. That's why I put 'we'.

So, today I shut down my facebook page for this blog, because I was told that I could lose both my personal account as well as the blogs account. In replacement for that account, I have started a 'page'. The kind that is meant to be 'liked' by others. And here I am, asking all of you to 'like' my page. I had over 1,000 friends on my blogs facebook account, I'd like to get at least that many 'Likes'. Please, can you all help me to do this? Not only does this help can help you. If you really do like to read my blog, this can be an easy way for you to stay updated with me. I'll be posting regularly on that page about things happening not only on my blog, but on my friends blog's as well. For instance...if you were to hop over there right now, you'd see a nice link to a nice contest where...get this...wait for could win a FREE book. Isn't that what we're all wanting around the holidays? A free book?
So, click on the nifty thing below and like me. Be a doll.

1 comment:

We love comments! Please feel free to tell us anything we make you want to say!! :D