Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Litte Fun

Hey everyone!

It's warming up outside, and I think that everyone is feeling a bit frisky! I know I'm ready to get out on the beach, lay in the sun and read read read!

I was on the evil facebook when I saw a friend had posted an awesome video. Of course I felt that I had to share, so that's mostly what this little post is all about. I also wanted to take minute to remind everyone that the start of our 3 week contest is tomorrow, and we're psyched for everyone to join in. Remember, you could win a book of your choice from The Book Depository.
We're going to have a LOT to talk about tomorrow so, I'm pretty psyched.

No more soup though...that went poorly.

Here's the video I promised I'd share!


  1. That was AWESOME! I love it. I am going to post that on my facebook page.

  2. Hi Sharyla,
    Loved that video! Really cute. Thanks for sharing. And thanks for stopping by my place. Have a great day!

    Just Books


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