Sunday, April 18, 2010

It's Cover Time!

Well...I have been neglecting the covers lately, so I thought it was time to do a Cover Time post!

I've been reading a historical romance the last week or so and as historical fiction is one of my favorite genres I thought it would be a good time to look at some covers of the historical genre.

My first cover is of The Mammoth Book of New Historical Whodunits edited by Mike Ashley:

This cover caught my attention because of the use of color and medieval images. Books that flaunt the fact that they are about history right on their covers make me happy! Honestly I don't know much about this book I just know that the cover caught my eye.

My second pick for this post was Medicus by Ruth Downie:

I love how simple but telling the cover of this book is. I know almost nothing about the book, but I am extremely intrigued by the cover. A good friend of mine, Sari, really enjoyed Ruth Downie's books and highly recommends them. I haven't read one yet, but I'd love to see this cover on my bookshelf!

I am picking a historical romance for my third cover to highlight today. Historical romances are enjoyable for me because there's a happily ever after but there's also a bit of history included. I think that historical romance readers are becoming more and more demanding in the integrity of their historical romance these days, forcing authors to give us more historical fact than just having some random dates and surnames thrown about.
For my historical romance pick, I have chosen Erinsong by Diana Groe:

I've read this book, and loved it. Erinsong is the second in a trilogy that Diana Groe, also known as Emily Bryan, wrote a couple years ago. What I loved about these books was the era it was written in, but also the fact that it was set during a time I knew little about, but could still enjoy. There was a lot of travel in these books, and their covers, while simple are beautiful. I highly recommend them. Also, for those of us who love romance novels but may get just a little tired of seeing two really pretty people making out on the covers of them, these are a nice change.

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