Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Waiting on Wednesday

As I sit here eating my delicious Hershey Bliss White Chocolate with 'creamy melt away center' I was reading a Waiting on Wednesday post at A Bookshelf Monstrosity when I realized that while I really wanted to write up a post I've been so out of the book world and don't even know if there's something I'm 'waiting on'. The only book I was really waiting around for came out last month! So I'm going to talk about it, because I did not come into this post prepared at all!

P.s. click on the image to visit Breaking The Spine, the host of WoW

According to Barnes and Noble .com Brendan is 304 pages of Morgan Llwelyn fun! Here's their synopsis.

This is the story of Saint Brendán the Navigator, whose legendary quest to find the Isle of the Blessed is one of the most remarkable and enduring of early Christian tales. Among Irish saints, Brendán the Navigator is second only to Patrick. Founder of several Christian monasteries, he most famously guided a group of monks on a dangerous journey into the unknown vastness of the ocean on a search for Paradise.

Based on the medieval “Life of St. Brendan,” Morgan Llywelyn’s imaginative retelling of the Christian legend of this most remarkable man is a lyrical and surprising feast for the mind and heart. It is a story of truth and transcendence, of inner strength and daily discipline, of love and longing, and of towering faith. And of course, miracles.

Since I absolutely go head over heals for Ms. Llywelyn I just can't wait to get my hands on this book. I'll have to wait until it comes up on though, because money is tight. I'm just so happy that this wonderful author of titles like Lion of Ireland, Druids, and Finn Mac Cool is still writing. It is because of this author that I enjoy historical fiction as much as I do, and the because of her alone that I know anything about Ireland, other than it's pretty.

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