Monday, February 23, 2009

Musing Monday 2.23

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about the library…

How often do you visit the library? Do you have a scheduled library day/time, or do you go whenever? Do you go alone, or take people with you?

I actually go the library once a week. That's where my book club is held. Hopefully someday we'll be able to branch out to somewhere different but for now the library works well. I go with my friends and fellow book lovers. We normally don't 'use' the library for the normal reason people are there.

Recently though, I've decided to start using the library for getting books instead of buying them as often. I actually have a couple books to go pick up today, so I'll be there later when it opens. I like to visit different libraries if I have a chance, but I don't get to as often as I'd like. There are two libraries for my town, one in the high school out in the middle of the country, which I tend not to use as much and the one in town, where we hold book club. I like one of the librarians very much, he's very nice and joins in our conversations during book club.


  1. I sort of wish there was a book club at my library. If it werent for my blogger buddies I would be convinced no one else reads. haha

  2. Erika Lynn

    Actually, the library didn't start it, I did. I got sick of feeling sorry for myself when I heard about my online friends' book clubs. So, I decided to start one myself. There aren't many members, maybe 8, and it's once a week for an hour, but we have a blast. Maybe you should start one in your town!

  3. Ah your library sounds fun! My local library is full of very old and very homeless people. The librarian is about a million years old and hard of hearing... plus they don't have many books.

    It's a pretty sad state of affairs because I LOVED the library in my hometown where I grew up and this one is such a disappointment. :(

  4. Hi Melange,

    I am a library person. My mom used to take us four kids to the library. I'd leave with armloads of books, which I devoured once I got home. If I could live in one, I would. When my hubby met me, that's where he had to come to meet me. When our son was young, up until this past year, I would bring him to the library to do all sorts of activities. When he got to be in his teen years, he joined the Teen Activity Planning Crew. Now that he's a h.s. senior, we don't have time to do that together, because he's involved in school. But I hope that he can remember those times we shared. I do know he loves to read.

    I finally started buying books more instead of checking them out from the library. I would have so much in overdue fines ---too many book over the course of a few days really adds up. What really got me was that sometimes the very books that I paid a bunch for in overdue fees was then on sale in the library for a quarter. I finally figured that it was cheaper if I just bought the book!


  5. My school libraries are real poor and I hardly come to public ones. Good thing you get Book Club there. I wish we had something like that.

  6. same here, i'd go evey day if i could though;)


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